The Invisible String


Even when we can’t be with our loved one anymore, we’re always connected. We can’t see it, but an invisible string will always tie together our hearts.

An internationally best-selling story book about life, loss, and how love connects us all.

The Invisible String
By Patrice Karst

Children ages 4 to 8 years
Adults young and old

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“When Mom tells her two children that they’re all connected by an Invisible String, the children insist, ‘That’s impossible!’ But still, they want to know more: ‘What kind of string?’ The answer is the simple truth that binds us all: It’s an Invisible String made of love.”

Whether you’re an adult or a child, death is difficult for everyone. For parents and caregivers, it can be especially challenging discussing death and facing grief with our children. We may be processing our own deep emotions, unsure of our own beliefs, or have had a different relationship with the deceased than our child.

Studies show that a child’s early understanding of death impacts their feelings on the inevitable—for the rest of their life.

The Invisible String lights the way for families experiencing loss, and reminds readers of all ages of the incredible power of love.

The Invisible Leash